Yeah, I totally didn't have enough space for the wires to plug in to the pin headers and still have the Arduino fit below the switchboard and not interfere with any switches, as well as have room for the battery mount. I thought I had room but I was totally wrong.
I scrambled to find a solution to make 90° connectors for the pin headers. My first solution idea was to take 90° pin headers and glue them into the sockets on the ribbon cables, which I would have to recut because I use the ribbon cables with pins first. It was going to be tedious and I wasn't really liking the way it was turning out. Then I remembered I had straight, extended length pin and socket headers made for stacking CCAs. I was able to mark these with a sharpie and then bend the pins 90° and create my own 90° adapters to use the same cables I made up a few days ago.
Once I made all of the 90° adapters and plugged them in, I had plenty of room to fit it underneath the switch board. I also added lots of hot glue to hold it all together.
To figure out the standoff length, I hot glued screws onto the back of the board and threaded the standoffs on to the screws. I then unscrewed the standoffs to adjust their length.
I adjusted them down enough to fit the Arduino under the center potentiometer and I had standoffs just the right length so I hot glued them on as well. I also hot glued on standoffs for the battery holder and everything fits well inside the box now!
Here are some pictures from tonight's fun! The upload order sometimes scrambles and I don't have time to re-sort the images, so wysiwyg.

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Interesting idea. I had some 90° pin bars around and just soldered a wire directly to each - that was a lot of work 🤔
See this picture for an example:
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