Just over a week of chatting with ChatGPT-4 and I have working code! At least it works on wokwi.com... I still need to load it to the real hardware.
It works, but there are a few things I don't like:
- The array of "all leds" doesn't include the simon says leds.
- The dimming is a little funny because I wanted the pots to do something but I'm leaving the addition of .96" OLED screens for a later upgrade.
- It doesn't have any "cool" things like patterns or dimming when it is turned on.
- It was written by a LLM and I have not tried any optimization at all.
But since it works, I need to STOP coding and work on other stuff... like building the physical hardware. I have 4 days left.
Here it is in all its glory, or shame...
// -----------------------------Include libraries -------------------
#include <Arduino.h>
// -----------------------------Define variables----------------------
int debounceDelay = 50;
int minLEDdim = 10; // minimum LED dim level (never let the pots turn the LEDs off completely)
// -----------------------------Define structures---------------------
struct Switch {
String name;
int pin1;
// int pin2; // for SP3T, 0 for SPST (pin 2 is always gnd - no definition req'd)
int pin3; // for SP3T, 0 for SPST
int state1; // the states match the LED structure for easy matching
int state2; // this will be set to high if state 1 and 3 are low
int state3; // this should initialize at low and stay low for SPST switches (which don't have a third state)
struct LEDSet {
String name;
int dimPin; // for sets of leds that only have one, only the dim pin and dim level is used
int pin1; // Used for 2 or 3 LEDs, 0 if 1 LED
int pin2; // Used for 2 or 3 LEDs, 0 if 1 LED
int pin3; // Used for 3 LEDs, 0 otherwise
int state1;
int state2;
int state3;
int dimLevel;
struct Button {
String name;
int pin;
int state;
int lastState;
unsigned long lastDebounceTime; // add debounce time
//int debounceDelay; // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers
struct Potentiometer {
String name;
int pin;
int state; //this will utilize the analog in values from 0-1024
struct SimonLED {
String name;
int dimPin;
int dimLevel;
unsigned long turnOffTime;
// ----------------------instances of structures----------------------------
// Switch instances (set here is teh set of data for one switch)
// struct: name, pin 1, pin 3, State 1, State 2, State 3)
Switch SWset1 = {"PowerSwitch1", A13, 0, LOW, LOW, LOW};
Switch SWset2 = {"PowerSwitch2", A14, 0, LOW, LOW, LOW};
Switch SWset3 = {"SelectionSwitch1", A12, 0, LOW, LOW, LOW};
Switch SWset4 = {"SelectionSwitch2", A15, 0, LOW, LOW, LOW};
Switch SWset5 = {"SP3T1", 22, 23, LOW, LOW, LOW};
Switch SWset6 = {"SP3T2", 24, 25, LOW, LOW, LOW};
Switch SWset7 = {"SP3T3", 26, 27, LOW, LOW, LOW};
Switch SWset8 = {"SP3T4", 28, 29, LOW, LOW, LOW};
Switch SWset9 = {"SPST1", A10, 0, LOW, LOW, LOW};
Switch SWset10 = {"SPST2", A11, 0, LOW, LOW, LOW};
// LED instances (set here is up to 3 LEDs and associated with the same switch number)
// struct: name, dim pin, pin 1, pin 2, pin 3, State 1, State 2, State 3, dimlevel)
LEDSet LEDset1 = {"PowerLED1", 6, 0, 0, 0, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 128};
LEDSet LEDset2 = {"PowerLED2", 7, 0, 0, 0, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 128};
LEDSet LEDset3 = {"null", 0, 0, 0, 0, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 0};
LEDSet LEDset4 = {"null", 0, 0, 0, 0, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 0};
LEDSet LEDset5 = {"SP3TSetLED1", 2, 30, 31, 32, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 128};
LEDSet LEDset6 = {"SP3TSetLED2", 3, 33, 34, 35, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 128};
LEDSet LEDset7 = {"SP3TSetLED3", 4, 36, 37, 38, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 128};
LEDSet LEDset8 = {"SP3TSetLED4", 5, 39, 40, 41, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 128};
LEDSet LEDset9 = {"SPSTSetLED1", 44, 43, 42, 0, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 128};
LEDSet LEDset10 = {"SPSTSetLED2", 45, 49, 48, 0, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, 128};
// Potentiometer instances
Potentiometer Pot1 = {"Potentiometer1", A0, 0};
Potentiometer Pot2 = {"Potentiometer2", A1, 0};
Potentiometer Pot3 = {"Potentiometer3", A2, 0};
// Create instances of the Buttons
Button ButtonDown = {"Down", 50, HIGH, HIGH, 0};
Button ButtonUp = {"Up", 51, HIGH, HIGH, 0};
Button ButtonLeft = {"Left", 52, HIGH, HIGH, 0};
Button ButtonRight = {"Right", 53, HIGH, HIGH, 0};
// Create instances of the simon says LEDs
SimonLED SimonLEDLeft = {"Left", 8, 0, 0};
SimonLED SimonLEDRight = {"Right", 9, 0, 0};
SimonLED SimonLEDUp = {"Up", 10, 0, 0};
SimonLED SimonLEDDown = {"Down", 11, 0, 0};
//------------------------------Arrays of Structures-----------------------
//This could be combined with the above, if the code doesn't need to individually
//call the above structure instances, but I'm keeping them separate for the moment.
// Array of all potentiometers
Potentiometer allPots[] = {Pot1, Pot2, Pot3};
// Array of all switch sets
Switch allSwitches[] = {SWset1, SWset2, SWset3, SWset4, SWset5, SWset6, SWset7, SWset8, SWset9, SWset10};
// Array of all LED sets
LEDSet allLEDs[] = {LEDset1, LEDset2, LEDset3, LEDset4, LEDset5, LEDset6, LEDset7, LEDset8, LEDset9, LEDset10}; // Add LEDset9 and LEDset10
// Array of all buttons
Button allButtons[] = {ButtonDown, ButtonUp, ButtonLeft, ButtonRight};
// Array of simon LEDs
SimonLED simonLEDs[] = {SimonLEDDown, SimonLEDUp, SimonLEDLeft, SimonLEDRight};
//--------------------------------Functions --------------------------------
void checkSwitchStates() {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(allSwitches) / sizeof(Switch); i++) {
// Check the state of pin 1
if (digitalRead(allSwitches[i].pin1) == LOW) { //switches are to ground with input pullup. Low means switch is "on" or "up".
allSwitches[i].state1 = LOW;
} else {
allSwitches[i].state1 = HIGH;
// If pin 3 exists, check its state. This only for SP3T switches.
if (allSwitches[i].pin3 != 0) {
if (digitalRead(allSwitches[i].pin3) == LOW) { //Low here means SP3T switch is "Down"
allSwitches[i].state3 = LOW;
} else {
allSwitches[i].state3 = HIGH;
} else {
allSwitches[i].state3 = HIGH; //if pin 3 is 0 then it's a SPST switch and we keep state 3 High (off)
// Set state2 LOW if states 1 and 3 are HIGH (off)
if (allSwitches[i].state1 == HIGH && allSwitches[i].state3 == HIGH) {
allSwitches[i].state2 = LOW;
} else {
allSwitches[i].state2 = HIGH;
void matchLEDStates() {
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(allSwitches) / sizeof(Switch); i++) {
if (allLEDs[i].name != "null") {
allLEDs[i].state1 = allSwitches[i].state1;
allLEDs[i].state2 = allSwitches[i].state2;
allLEDs[i].state3 = allSwitches[i].state3;
void updateLEDs() {
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(allLEDs) / sizeof(LEDSet); i++) {
if (allLEDs[i].name != "null") {
// If the LED set only contains one LED and no control pins,
// turn it off when state1 is HIGH by setting analogWrite to 0.
if(allLEDs[i].pin1 == 0 && allLEDs[i].pin2 == 0 && allLEDs[i].pin3 == 0 && allLEDs[i].state1 == HIGH) {
analogWrite(allLEDs[i].dimPin, 0);
} else {
// Turn on or off each LED based on its state by matching the switch state (LOW is ON)
if(allLEDs[i].pin1 != 0) {
digitalWrite(allLEDs[i].pin1, allLEDs[i].state1);
if(allLEDs[i].pin2 != 0) {
digitalWrite(allLEDs[i].pin2, allLEDs[i].state2);
if(allLEDs[i].pin3 != 0) {
digitalWrite(allLEDs[i].pin3, allLEDs[i].state3);
// Update the brightness level
analogWrite(allLEDs[i].dimPin, allLEDs[i].dimLevel);
void checkPotentiometers() {
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(allPots) / sizeof(Potentiometer); i++) {
// Read the value of the potentiometer (from 0 to 1023)
allPots[i].state = analogRead(allPots[i].pin);
// Scale the value down to between 0 and 255
allPots[i].state = map(allPots[i].state, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
// Print the potentiometer state to the serial monitor
//Serial.print(": ");
void setLEDDimming() {
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(allLEDs) / sizeof(LEDSet); i++) {
if (allLEDs[i].name != "null") {
// Use the state of the corresponding potentiometer to set the dimming level
allLEDs[i].dimLevel = max(allPots[i % (sizeof(allPots) / sizeof(Potentiometer))].state, minLEDdim);
// Print the LED dimLevel to the serial monitor
//Serial.print(": ");
//set the dim level for the simon leds, but use the pot on the left
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(simonLEDs) / sizeof(SimonLED); i++){
if (simonLEDs[i].name != "null") {
// Use the state of the corresponding potentiometer to set the dimming level
simonLEDs[i].dimLevel = max(allPots[0].state, minLEDdim);
void checkButtons() {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(allButtons) / sizeof(Button); i++) {
int reading = digitalRead(allButtons[i].pin);
if (reading != allButtons[i].lastState) {
allButtons[i].lastDebounceTime = millis();
if ((millis() - allButtons[i].lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
if (reading != allButtons[i].state) {
allButtons[i].state = reading;
// Print the button state to the serial monitor for debugging
Serial.print(": ");
Serial.println(allButtons[i].state == HIGH ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
allButtons[i].lastState = reading;
void controlSimonLEDs() {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(simonLEDs) / sizeof(SimonLED); i++) {
if (allButtons[i].state == LOW && millis() >= simonLEDs[i].turnOffTime) {
simonLEDs[i].turnOffTime = millis() + 1000;
analogWrite(simonLEDs[i].dimPin, simonLEDs[i].dimLevel);
} else if (millis() >= simonLEDs[i].turnOffTime) {
analogWrite(simonLEDs[i].dimPin, 0);
//------------------------------End Functions Section-----------------------------
void setup() {
// Initialize the serial communication at baud rate of 9600
// Initialize switch pins as inputs with pullup resistors
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(allSwitches)/sizeof(Switch); i++) {
pinMode(allSwitches[i].pin1, INPUT_PULLUP);
if (allSwitches[i].pin3 != 0)
pinMode(allSwitches[i].pin3, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Initialize LED pins as outputs
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(allLEDs)/sizeof(LEDSet); i++) {
pinMode(allLEDs[i].dimPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(allLEDs[i].pin1, OUTPUT);
if (allLEDs[i].pin2 != 0)
pinMode(allLEDs[i].pin2, OUTPUT);
if (allLEDs[i].pin3 != 0)
pinMode(allLEDs[i].pin3, OUTPUT);
// Initialize potentiometer pins as inputs
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(allPots) / sizeof(Potentiometer); i++) {
pinMode(allPots[i].pin, INPUT);
// Initialize button pins as inputs with pullup resistors
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(allButtons) / sizeof(Button); i++) {
pinMode(allButtons[i].pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Initialize SimonLED pins as outputs
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(simonLEDs) / sizeof(SimonLED); i++) {
pinMode(simonLEDs[i].dimPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Other code...
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