
The big redesign

A project log for Orange Pi Media Center

Home Media Center powered by Orange Pi

andriymalyshenkoandriy.malyshenko 05/08/2024 at 10:370 Comments

Following my Raspberry Pi and Onion Omega Media Center series, I decided to re-design the Orange Pi version of the board. The main reason for that was the price and complexity of the original design. Both casing and PCB costs could be halved based on my current knowledge and resources, and this is what I did.

First I'm using an off-the-shelf aluminum case with a basic design. Both the front and back panels are custom-made, but they do not have any components on them, which is much cheaper than before.

Second, both the screen and rotary encoder are headers hidden inside, while I come up with a better approach for the front panel. So they are more of a development platform at this point.

Moving forward I will refine those design choices further, but for now, it looks great, it sounds great, it is fantastic fun to develop with and that's good enough for me.
