
Field Test

A project log for Openthing 2 - RepTrap

Openthing 2 RepTrap is a detection device and camera trigger for capturing images of relatively small animals, including lizards, frogs etc.

mirkoMirko 10/08/2023 at 07:580 Comments

Last week I printed a smaller case for the RepTrap and tried to set it up how it should be setup. Unluckily I did not catch any animals with it. I tried to set it up to catch some birds because they are more likely to appear, but had no luck. I witnessed some birds approaching the bait but I think they have been just scared due to the camera and the sensor. They have been close and one should have been inside the field of view but was to quick. It actually needs some time for the sensor to detect an object, the settings are 80ms measurment and 100ms sleep (which is already pretty fast and not very battery friendly) my initial setting was 100ms measurment and 300ms sleep. It is getting cold already outside and so there are not many animals to be photographed. 

But here are some images of the setups

Watch that hole
The sensor can be setup to monitor the entrance to a home
Also bird watching can be managed with it but this little guys are super fast!
LOOK! A LIZARD... yea okay.. it is a fake one. One day my friend! one day!


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