
I need help and a name...

A project log for Openthing 2 - RepTrap

Openthing 2 RepTrap is a detection device and camera trigger for capturing images of relatively small animals, including lizards, frogs etc.

mirkoMirko 05/04/2024 at 09:100 Comments
After quite some time, I've gathered everything for the entire device:
This was necessary to transform from a plain PCB to a product prototype, and I have to admit: it looks amazing, and I love it! I find myself looking at it multiple times every day and touching it.

I am not so happy with the name anymore but I can not come up with a better one then RepTrap. Do you have suggestions? Please comment them! 

I also have trouble with the Firmware and the 4 ToF Sensors if anyone wants to help and try to figure out what the issue actually is please contact me. 


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