
GFMPW0 package

A project log for Lab Computer "Marina"

How many Caravel chips does it take to make a usable lab computer for debugging digital electronics? Let's find out...

shaosSHAOS 07/26/2023 at 05:550 Comments

Each GFMPW0 project that efabless sent to the authors has 1 USB-cable, 2 mother-boards, 10 daughter-boards and 100+ chips in QFN64 package:

Caravel daughter-board uses edge connector that is called "M.2 Keyed E":

This daugther-board is inserted into special socket on the mother-board:

Official motherboard from efabless also has SPI-Flash memory 4MB where you have a program for RISC-V and FTDI-chip to connect to PC over USB-cable - special Python program could be used on PC to program the Flash (I'm gonna fix some issues with this to make it more compatible with different forms of hex-files) and another Python program can get some info from the chip as Project ID, read registers etc. See official repos from efabless with all source-codes of firmware, utils, cores and boards:
