
Houston we have liftoff!!

A project log for Mark's Rocket Program

Due to my recently developed interest in rocketry I decided to try to make my own model rockets.

markusmikschimarkus.mikschi 01/03/2017 at 12:160 Comments

The first launch with the first version of the board computer was a great success!

Everything was captured by the boardcomputer and the rocket landed only a couple of meters from the launch pad.

Information of the launch:
65g Rocket
16g motor with 10g propellant (B4-4)
Boardcomputer v1.0 30g
apogee: 60m


Unfortunately I set the accelerometer to +-8g per axis and this wasn't enough so there is a cut off. A very interesting thing to note is the downwards spike in altitude. Since I measure the altitude via the airpressure the explosive charge that sets off the parachute caused this wrong reading.

Next I want to try to implement the gyro.
