
Brief update!

A project log for Woody the Electric Four Passenger Bicycle

Woody is a scratch built quad wheel bicycle with four passenger capacity, with electric power to assist pedaling.

john-guyJohn Guy 10/18/2023 at 05:220 Comments

maker Faire OC is this weekend, and Woody will not be complete.. we still plan on going though. In it’s raw state it is easier to see this is a hand built vehicle anyway.

Anyway, to update briefly, tonight the awning was built. The wood used is white oak.

The perimeter is 1.5” tall, and a slight bit over 3/4” deep. The top edge has a rabbet for the bent stringers and a 1/8” dado 0.25” deep for screen spline holding shade cloth. The outside vertical surface has a 0.375x0.125” dado for the programmable light strips.

Top view of rabbet and dado. Rabbet was cut will alternating top bevel combination blade, perhaps I should avoid this!

The side view shows the dado for LED strip, as well as the polypropylene twine used to cinch the frame together. The led dado was made on a router table.

