
Clickwheel testing

A project log for Music32-V2 - Portable music player

Recreating the ipod with Bluetooth and an SD card slot, without losing the headphone jack

nicNic 09/01/2023 at 14:080 Comments

So I just quickly wrote some code to test the clickwheel with the display. Definitely not fine tuned at all but as a quick proof of concept it's working remarkably well. Next step is to add software to calibrate the touch sensors and interpolate between them. So it's not just fixed to a resolution of 6, I've viewed the data coming from the touch sensors and the PCB layout seems to have worked well as there is a smooth transition between segments.

Check out the clickwheel - video

Of course I can't go without mentioning the clickwheel orientation. I made a clear mistake in where I had placed the footprint for the connector so here I am. Not to mention the order number. Nothing a sticker won't fix for now.
