
Basic file explorer and music playback

A project log for Music32-V2 - Portable music player

Recreating the ipod with Bluetooth and an SD card slot, without losing the headphone jack

nicNic 09/16/2023 at 12:290 Comments

After quite a lot of coding there is some basic functions going, so far ive implemented:

-file filter for non music or directory files, identify directory files with a /

-scrolling main directory with auto adjusting scroll limits

-playing files from main directory

-current and end times for music

-local file name storage to reduce sd card reads

-music playing screen, when exiting it stops playback

-temporary volume controls on fast forward and rewind buttons

-All of the initialisation and button handling code


-Clickwheel functionality

To do

-Directory navigation and treating directories like playlists

-Checking files are playable before entering music player screen

-Find out why current play time sometimes starts at 17 seconds

-File name scroll for files that are bigger then max width (Had this working before but it slows down everything)

-Volume with clickwheel

-Hold switch

-Other basic music player functions

-Metadata from music files


Heres the demo video of what i've coded so far:

Im happy with how im starting to progress with the coding (Which I must mention is here, i'm really starting to make progress. I do feel that right now im holding back the potential of this device by being a hardware guy but I hope I can change this and learn enough to fully realise what I want to achieve with this project. 

On another note, being with this device for a week now, i've realised how much of an impact haptic feedback has on the functionality of a clickwheel. You are scrolling a smooth surface with only visual feedback and it feels a bit weird, I think im going to wire in a haptic motor at some point and definitely include one for the next version. Big oversight to not include one on this version but thats part of the development process, learning from mistakes to make it better for the next version. 

If I had to rate it, id say the audio quality is pretty damn good. Im listening through kb ear ks1 in ear headphones and cannot tell the difference playing through this vs any other device. Then again I don't have any high quality audio devices and don't listen to uncompressed music so I don't know. Im no audiophile but its definitely good for me. Ill have to figure out a way to record directly from it so I can send some files here side by side.

Finally, don't judge the music files that are on that SD card.


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