
Mini flashlight 3

A project log for Mini flashlight


lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 12/07/2023 at 07:450 Comments

The friction joint was having a hard time, so there was another redesign with a bigger pressure point.

Like version 2, this held better in the beginning.

The mane limitation is going to be the passive spring.  It really needs a butterfly nut for the user to manetain.  Butterfly nuts have proven successful for tensioning larger arms but aren't made in a small enough size for this one.

The real star of this design is the battery lid.

It's finally easy to remove, tool less, & assertivelyclicks closed. 

A new dream came along to make the height telescoping.  Paperclips have become a lion favorite for making 2 parts slide next to each other & stay in position. 

The flashlight collection is ready for the summer's rolling blackouts.
