
Generative Mode: Creative

A project log for Generative kAiboard

Beyond Typing: An Adaptive Hardware Prompter for the Age of Generative-AI. Internet-connected. Built-in ChatGPT.

pamungkas-sumastaPamungkas Sumasta 10/10/2023 at 11:530 Comments

In complement to the informative mode, I specifically prescribe creative mode to be different. This is more of a creation mood where you expect the Generative kAiboard to generate some textual contents as much as possible tuned with your style. So this mode is not so much useful for asking simple real-time information, location etc. The contextual information that has been gathered and collected in passive / keyboard mode is tremendously valuable for this creative mode. As it essentially prompting/directing/commanding/nudging the ChatGPT to be creative but at the same time trying to imitate you.

In connection with your original prompt/queries, the Generative kAiboard will embed several contextual wording directives and styling. The most obvious example of that is for instance the word selection, what are the most common words you typically use etc when you typing. Furthermore, that can also be some sort of directives e.g. do not use emojis, or do not use laughing words/sentences etc. The options are limitless here and I have not done exploring.

Here's a comparison between asking ChatGPT directly via a web UI, or asking the Generative kAiboard to make a paragraph about Hackaday. 

Answers from ChatGPT UI:

Answers from the Generative kAiboard:

Now, tell me which one you personally prefer? :)
