
Adding support for multi-users

A project log for Instant WebStick - ESP8266 Web Server / NAS

Instant ESP8266 Web Server / NAS in USB Stick Form Factor, that can act as a static web server or a poor man NAS

tobychuitobychui 03/21/2024 at 13:340 Comments
It is interesting that no one have ever tried to add multi-user support into ESP8266. So I make it possible!
Though, this can mostly be done because of the external SD card that uses as the main storage for the WebSticks. Based on the previous implemented key-value database emulation module (which is file system under the hood), it is now possible to create user accounts to share files and documents on your websticks with other users.

I also added the Wake-On-LAN feature so if you have a server at home which support WoL magic packet power up, running a WebStick 24/7 might save you some power as well.


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