
September 9th 2023: First week and the rate is disappointment

A project log for Automatic Moving Cricket Wicket

A robotic cricket wicket that automatically moves left/right to intercept pitched balls.

swaleh-owaisSwaleh Owais 09/08/2023 at 19:050 Comments

I set the following schedule for getting this project done:

-Sept. 4th - 8th:: Finish slider system

-Sept. 11th - 15th:: Finish motor actuator system

-Sept. 18th - 22nd:: Do vision tracking system

-Sept. 25th  - 29th:: Make video

My hard deadlines are:

-Finish the cricket wicket build by Oct. 6th

-Finish video by Oct. 14th

Technically, I did get the slider system done this week. But I didn't really do much. My productivity has been hampered by the low quality 3D printers I am using. But more importantly, I am held up by just getting distracted so easily. As a solemn vow, I will not listen to podcasts while working as it prevents me from concentrating!!!

I did find out that the extrusion connects together fairly well so there is no need to buy the longer pieces. 

I am going to come in Sunday to try to get a headstart on setting up the motor.
