The PolyVent is a mechanical ventilator for research and classroom use. It is fully open-source; it is adaptable, modifiable, and repairable. You can build your own for about $2000 in parts or order one from Public Invention for $4000. We have developed two classroom modules. Although not for use on human patients, it is a flexible, open platform for veterinary work, work with animal models, and other forms of research. It has currently been used in one classroom for 3 hours, where it scored very high engagement. This projects needs volunteers, especially embedded engineering programmers who can program an Arduino in C++ .
It is extremely modular, with over 10 GitLab modules, but you can start here:, though if you become seriously interested, please contact .
The PolyVent project was founded by Victor Suturin and Nathaniel Bechard before it became part of Public Invention. Dozens of volunteers have contributed to it, but we continue to need more (unpaid) volunteers! Public Invention is a US501c3 non-profit and does not profit from PolyVents.
The PolyVent is an affordable, open, modifiable alternative for classroom education and certain kinds of graduate-level research in pulmonology, patient-ventilator asychrony, new ventilation modes such as acoustic or percussive ventilation, etc. It is instrumented by the VentMon spirometer, which uses WiFi to publish to a public data cloud, which is very convenient for remote work, research, and classroom education.
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