
Proof of Concept

A project log for Cyberdeck SAO

Finally, a cyberdeck for your cyberdeck.

tom-nardiTom Nardi 09/16/2023 at 05:390 Comments

In the most basic form, the hardware is going to be the ATtiny, a button, a debounce circuit, and the OLED. I could even leave the button off, but I figure it will be worth the few extra cents per unit to be able to flip between a few different modes.

As a test, I've loaded Neuromancer up on a chip, and let it scroll through. Well, not all of it, of course. An ATiny85 has 8 kB of flash, so even if I don't put a bootloader on the chip, there's no way even the first chapter will fit. Still, it ends up being enough for the display to scroll it for awhile, so it looks pretty cool.

Behind the scenes, I wrote up a Python script which takes the text from the book and breaks it down into strings that are a maximum of 22 characters long. It then takes those strings and creates a PROGMEM array out of them, and finally generates a .h file I can load into the firmware project. I've added a variable that lets me configure how many lines of text it will churn through, so if I end up needing to shave off a few bytes, I can drop a couple lines off without having to reinvent the wheel each time.

There's no LEDs because I'm thinking in the name of simplicity I'll just tie those right to the power pins of the SAO header and have them be static. Don't have enough pins to control them individually, and while I could add a transistor to let me control all four of them with a single pin, I'm not sure it's worth it yet.
