
Notes on Menu (macro)​ files...

A project log for Touch Deck (as many menus as you need)

The project uses the Makerfabs-ESP32-S3-SPI-TFT-with-Touch board to produce a Touch-Deck

michael-otooleMichael O'Toole 09/14/2023 at 15:530 Comments

Notes on Menu (macro) files...

In theory you should be able to add comments/text after the last line (assuming all 15 lines are present).

In testing I have based everything on 5 menus, this allows me to load the last menu from the first menu round-robin... Set the variable for the last menu (MAXMENUS,) to whatever yours is. If you have three menus then set this to 3, that way you can safely load the last menu from the first menu in a round-robin fashion. 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3 etc... 5,4,3,2,1,5,4 etc...
