
LeOn, a Cat Companion. Architecture First.

A project log for LeOn - a Toy for Cats

A simple robot-toy for my cats

andrei-gramakovAndrei Gramakov 09/10/2023 at 19:560 Comments

With this post, I start my new robotic project. This project will have several important features:

What is the project about?

It is a cat companion. A simple robot that can move around, avoid big obstacles and move a stick for playing with a cat.

What is the first step?

I’m starting with the architecture development. I will try to make the most abstract decisions first, leaving the implementation details to the very end.

The first step is development of the use cases. Basically, there are 3 actors for this robot - a cat, a cat owner, and me, a robotic developer. As a developer, It is important for me to have a moving platform (legs, wheels, etc.) reusable by other projects, so it is also reflected in my use case diagram:

That is it for now. Next time we will probably define the system requirements based on each use case.
