
High-Level Software

A project log for LeOn - a Toy for Cats

A simple robot-toy for my cats

andrei-gramakovAndrei Gramakov 11/04/2023 at 23:131 Comment

Separation of the Software (independent of the hardware logic) and the Firmware (dependent on the hardware) has allowed me to implement the main robot logic on Windows without involving MCUs at all.

I packed all the code in a set of CMake projects producing static libraries. Including main.cpp - it is also a component. Then I assemble everything into an executable file - currently for the Windows platform. It can be called a Windows robot simulator:

The next step is to implement the driver part and then connect them together.

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Rose Wiley wrote 12/04/2024 at 05:27 point

Starbucks Partner Hours login and the Starbucks Partner Hours mobile application are vital in managing work schedules, communicating with others, and knowing about benefits.

These platforms also allow partners to check their own schedules, ask for time off, and change shifts through their phones, thus increasing the relevance of the system. The app also serves as a way of improving team collaboration and enabling members to get real-time updates.

However, there can be some problems like technical challenges that may require user assistance or result in data protection risks.

Nevertheless, this is outweighed by other factors such as efficient shift tracking and better management control, which makes work more organized and productive despite its demerits. The Starbucks Partner Hours link provides easy access to all these features, making it an indispensable tool for Starbucks partners

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