
Am I building a keyboard from scratch? Yes.

A project log for Haunted Keyboard

Type on this keyboard for a haunting response generated by ChatGPT

mx-jack-nelsonMx. Jack Nelson 09/15/2023 at 21:210 Comments

I want to make a haunted keyboard, that types back when I type on it, or completes my sentences with spooky endings. In order to accomplish this I need to use a microcontroller, a keyboard, and an API call to ChatGPT, but the outcome I want is a keyboard with only one USB cable to connect it to my computer, so it looks like a normal keyboard. I want the microcontroller to live inside the housing of the keyboard. 

My first decision was whether to try to modify a prebuilt keyboard. I choose not to, as I cannot imagine how to attach a microcontroller to an existing keyboard without reverse engineering the keyboard to find all the rows and columns, and figuring out how to get rid of its onboard processor. 

So a custom keyboard it is! 

I could buy a premade PCB, but I want the keyboard itself to be able to make an API call to ChatGPT, so the microcontroller on the PCB needs to support wifi. There's this kit that supports Adafruit Feathers, but the wifi Feather is one of their more expensive Feathers. Therefore I am going to build my own PCB with connectivity to a Pi Pico W. I am fine with using any USB cable to connect the keyboard to the computer, so Micro USB will work.

This means I'll be designing the keyboard's PCB in KiCad, ordering the related components, assembling the PCB and then adding switches and keycaps. And a case. I'm still looking into ways to get an acrylic case made, I know there are many. 


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