
The keycaps have arrived!

A project log for Haunted Keyboard

Type on this keyboard for a haunting response generated by ChatGPT

mx-jack-nelsonMx. Jack Nelson 10/15/2023 at 03:110 Comments

The keycaps are here and so are the switches, so tonight I put a few together to test out the sound and feel. I'm enjoying everything so far. I got a set of second hand but unused Cherry MX Brown switches and some second hand purple keycaps from Pwnage. Never heard of them before. I like that the legends are shine through, even though I don't have per key LEDs, because they become almost invisible with the color of the keycaps, giving them an unlabeled effect. I'm hoping the LED underglow works on the board I ordered because then I can light it up orange. 

The board ships tomorrow!
