
Switches and keycaps, we're ready to go

A project log for Haunted Keyboard

Type on this keyboard for a haunting response generated by ChatGPT

mx-jack-nelsonMx. Jack Nelson 10/17/2023 at 22:380 Comments

I finished soldering on each of the switches! They are not perfectly straight. It turns out the footprint that I used leaves quite a bit of wiggle room between the sides of the holes and the pins on the switches. I did my best to adjust each one by hand to be as straight as possible, but we're a little wonky anyway. 

Next come keycaps! I didn't account for the profile of the caps being so different, since I'm using cherry profile caps in non-traditional orientations on switches to fit the 40% layout. I may re-order keycaps in an XDA profile to make the whole thing uniform. 

The back of the board has some headers that need to be trimmed, but all the solder points are working and next comes the programming. 
