Here's a video of the first UI test, back in October. The project was paused since then, but I'm planning to come back to it on the coming weeks.
Here we can see the sequences per drum kit part and the tempo controls. Each yellow button press is not working properly yet but I've added a "test edit mode" where it is possible to use the four black and green buttons to enable or disable pattern hits.
Also, the tempo is innacurate and the internal mechanism that steps each beat also needs improvement. That's possibly what I'll be working on over the next weeks.
Internally, it uses an Arduino Mega with a prototype shield board that receives all connections and links to the sound module, which is based on VS1003b chip. The arduino loads a MIDI program to the VS1003b and then sends MIDI messages to it. Sounds are produced by the VS1003 internal sound bank so there's currently no way to use external samples. This is good enough for now and I do not plan to change it before maturing other aspects of the project.
This was my first time drilling by hand, so there are many imperfections to the component placement in the panel. I'll create a proper panel by the end of the project. I'm also intending to create a proper PCB for the panel, since its assembly is very messy right now.
I'll be glad to hear some feedback and tips on the project :D