
Pocket Power

Pocket Power - The Small Yet Powerful Buck Regulator

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Pocket Power is a small, efficient, powerful Buck regulator capable of providing two regulated voltages, 3.3 VDC and 5.0 VDC.
Pocket Power is capable of providing upwards of 1.5A at each voltage setting, perfect for driving Arduino projects
or anything that an electronics hobbyist or professional make need. Pocket Power has a wide input voltage range of
7 VDC to 35 VDC, integrated thermal shutdown, reverse polarity protection, low output ripple (< 20 mV), and easy to interface screw terminals.


Pocket Power - 16001300 Datasheet

Adobe Portable Document Format - 591.86 kB - 01/06/2017 at 01:10


  • 1 × MP2467 Power Management ICs / Switching Regulators and Controllers

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