
First steps: measuring acceleration with an MPU6050

A project log for Exploring the internals of trees with sound

Time-of-flight, tomography and more

My first thought was to use an MPU6050 with an ESP32 for this project, as I had those about.  The ESP32 had been used in a previous project to get an LCD display working (which turned out to be surprisingly difficult), so I decided to throw that in the mix as well; since that had used the u8g2 library, I decided to stay with Arduino-flavoured C++ for that...though really, MicroPython is much more my speed.

For a test setup, I decided to use an Ikea shelf section.  It's not ideal; it's made of narrow lengths of (I think) pine glued together, which would likely complicate any measurements I took.  But it had the firm advantage that I had it about and could press it into service. :-)

This picture shows what the setup was like:

This was taken a little longer into the process, so there are two piezo sensors (which didn't come 'til later),  the breadboard has a Pi Pico (which I switched to later), and it's missing the hammer setup.  But since I didn't take any other pictures at the time, this'll have to do.

Here's how it worked:

Fairly straightforward; how did it work?  As a proof of concept, pretty well: the display was nice, the principal was sound, and I was able to get it up and working without much trouble.  I wasn't able to easily figure out how to reset the MPU6050 after it sent an interrupt, so I resorted to just resetting the ESP32 -- not elegant, but it worked.

But as a way to actually measure things, it was inconsistent.  Given the heterogeneity of the wooden shelf, I wasn't surprised.  I also became concerned about the timing resolution I could get.  I tracked down the manual for one of the commercial products I'd looked at, and it said the travel time of sound in wood was around 10 microseconds/cm.  That implied needing something like a 100 MHz clock speed just to be able to detect a 1 cm difference.  

The ESP32 I had ran at (I think) something like 40 MHz clock speed; it turns out this is the default when programming it with the Arduino IDE.  I could switch to the ESP32 toolset, which would let me bump up the clock speed to 100 MHz.  I gave that a try, but compiling my application ran into problems.  I went down a number of rabbit holes trying to get this sorted out -- my background is in system administration and software development, so figuring out these kinds of problems (at least at a high level) is something I'm familiar with -- but it seemed like a series of dead ends: waiting on new library versions, bugs that hadn't been addressed in quite some time, and so on.

In the end, I put this approach aside.  The ESP32 code is still in the project repository (warning: it's ugly), but hasn't been touched.  I found another approach -- new sensor, new language, new microcontroller -- that promised to work better.  Details on that next time!
