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A project log for Deauther Smart Watch V1

A Smart Deauther watch.

colprColpr 10/26/2023 at 00:470 Comments


Hello again, I'm back. A incident that resulted in my portable SSD running a full install of Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS being carelessly thrown about ten feet across a large room on to plywood covered with carpet while still booted into the OS (on sleep mode, it was unplugged from a laptop) caused a me to take a short hiatus to do OS repairs.

The Ubuntu is running smoothly now and I'm back to working this project. The PCB was actually completed on (minus the oled mounting holes) was completed on Monday shortly before said mishap.

Since then I have:

  1.  Worked on completing the .csv containing all the components, suppliers and the prices and shipping rates (These prices will be references for around how much the parts cost, prices may very.).
  2. Looked at the PCB and reviewed for any problems
  3. Updated the hackaday repository (I still don't know, if someone actually reads this and knows please tell me is it a product page or a repository?) and wrote the log that you are reading now.


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