
Prototyping the conections

A project log for APBucket (Arduino Plant Bucket)

Indoor plant enviroment measure and control with arduino and Rpi

nikoniko 01/08/2017 at 12:530 Comments

For the start of this project i have been working on the wiring of what will be the first prototype. It will be a 10 gal bucket with the 3 18x led arrays connected at the top (red) with their 2x fans and heatsink to cool (white) and with 2x 12V fans at top(purple) and 2x at bottom(green) for climate control, to try to achieve the first goals of the project.

*Thanks to spacebucket community for creating the spacebucket 3d prototyping program, is very helpfull

The design of the wiring sketch is still not definitive as some questions regarding the wiring are still to be resolved, expecially the protection about high voltage management, sith some fuses maybe needed for general protection and about the wiring of the sensors and the fans and the electrical noise that this could provocate.

But is a first aproach
