
Getting stuff done

A project log for APBucket (Arduino Plant Bucket)

Indoor plant enviroment measure and control with arduino and Rpi

nikoniko 01/21/2017 at 02:570 Comments

Have been working in this stuff all week so some mayor things have been done.

Also some minor things were bought so, pricelist should be actualized


-Bought a squared metal stuff to paste the LED lightning system on it, in total 32 x 3W LEDs to speed up plant growth

-Welded all the connetions and powered it with the LED drivers

-Added one of the PC fans at top and some heatsinks. Was planning to add 2 of that pc fans but i think with that one and some more heatsinks is enough. Bougth also 12V 1A power connector for the pc fan. Here you can see it in place with the arduino gathering data

-Here you can see it in action

##Arduino and rPi data logger

Some further advances had also made been on the software part

I've uploaded the program to : Arduino Plant Bucket Github

By the moment, the program in the arduino reads all for sensors, and sends the info by serial to the rPi, this one waits for all the data of the row, and inserts it in a previosly created MySql database

Here you can see it working:

The programs need further programming as i'm not very happy how the sql data is organized(im a complete sql NOOB).

Light and fan control and the watering system are not implemented.

At lest i can try to have an idea of how is the enviroment inside of the bucket graphing the data with

This is how my first day plot looks like:

Reference links:

Transfer Arduino Data to MySQL Database on Raspberry Pi - Youtube - DB Connector


if somebody got reading until here, thing that i supose will never happen, i am also learning a bit of photography, and did some practice timelapses with my old nikon d40 and gphoto2 and the rPi, about the first days of the Cream caramel plant. Will try to do some more next weeks,

Here is the unedited result:
