
Fortune Cat: Seeing the future

Cats are always curious, cats know things... Want to know where your life will go? Now your fortune teller is your own Cat!

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The future cannot to be seen or known; the oracle tricky is, but we can have fun with the possibilities.
This project will show you how to create a fortune teller that will play games with your emotions by telling you your future.

Simply asking for it! "Fortune Cat, tell me my future". These are the magic words.

Fortune Cat is a small box containing a screen that will show the keyphrase once you have said the words. The master behind the actions is an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board, using a speech recognition system that decodes the words you speak aloud and executes the algorithm that selects and writes the sentence.

Complete example code. Be aware that CybLicense and Model header files should be replaced with your own files, otherwise, the sketch will not work correctly with your board.

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  • 1 × Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
  • 1 × OLED Display 128x64 SH1106
  • 1 × Micro USB Cable
  • 1 × Male-Female Jumper Wires

  • 1
    Download and Install Arduino IDE

    Go to the official Arduino website and download the latest version of Arduino IDE, then install it on your PC. Once installed, launch the application.

    On the toolbar, go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager and look for Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards. Download and install the latest version of the core. Allow the installation of any additional drivers.

    Then, go to Tools > Manage Libraries and look for DSpotterSDK_Maker_33BLE. Download and install the latest version of the library. This library will help you with the speech recognition process.

  • 2
    Obtain the SN from your Nano 33 BLE Sense

    Connect the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense to your PC, and ensure you select the right COM port and board in the Tools section. Then, go to Tools > Get Board Info and save the serial number.

  • 3
    Create your model with Cyberon tool

    Open the Tool Cyberon website. 

    On the first screen, fill in the blanks with the required information and select the right board; read and accept the User License Agreement.

    Create a New Project and select the language that better fits your application.

    Type your Input Trigger Word. Take in mind the advice shown on the left chart to obtain a good model. Follow the same process for your Command Word or words.

    The last step will be to confirm the information for your model, your e-mail, language, board, and serial number. Confirm everything is ok. Once finished, the website will confirm your model was sent to your e-mail.

    You should receive four files:

    • CybLicense_xxxxxxxxxx.h: this is the license that allows your board to use the speech recognition engine. You must know that this license is not transferable, which means that it will not work on other boards.
    • Model_xxxxxxxxxx.h: this is the file containing the model information (your trigger and command words).
    • Model_xxxxxxxxxx_Arduino_33ble.dsproj: this file contains the complete information of your project and could be used if you want to modify your project in the future. To modify your project, you must use the "Import Project File" option in step 2 when creating the model on the Cyberon website.
    • Info_xxxxxxxxxx.txt: is a text file containing the information of your project, such as creation date and time, license type, language, board, serial number, Trigger word, and Command word (or words).

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