
thingSoC I2C Hub

The thingSoC I2C Hub is a four(4) port I2C Hub/Switch board, an Embedded Module for thingSoC.

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The TSOC_GROVEY_I2CHUB allows you to connect thingSoC, Mikrobus, and/or Grove System Modules all at the same time, with any processor module. This gives you maximum flexiblity for sensor and actuator selection, and reuse. The TSOC_GROVEY_I2CHUB can operate at either 3.3V or 5V, and can also level translate 3.3V processor I2C bus to 5V peripherals when needed.

The thingSoC "Grovey Series" were designed as "Everyday Electronics", a no-frills, low cost, approach to modular embedded product design. thingSoC boards are similar in size to most break-out-boards (BOBs), but feature a standardized stacking pinout that is compatible with hundreds of existing peripherals.

e thingSoC I2C Hub uses the PCA9546A four (4) port I2C hub to provide four independent I2C channels. While you could just "daisy-chain" four (4) I2C connections, there are several situations that require a hub, including :

  1. When you need to do 3.3 volt to 5.0 volt level conversion.
  2. When you have four (4) peripherals that all use the same I2C Address and you can't change them.
  3. When you want to drive the I2C bus faster than the added capacitance of "daisy-chain" allows.

The thingSoC I2C Hub is an open source hardware project from PatternAgents, and you are free to download the schematics, layouts, gerbers, boms, etc. and build your own boards if you wish.

thingSoC I2C Hub Features :

thingSoC Grovet I2C Hub

thingSoC Grovet I2C Hub

thingSoC Grovet I2C Hub

thingSoC Grovet I2C Hub

Want to Buy a completed thingSoC Grovey I2C Board?

;-) Tom


TSOC_GROVEY_I2CHUB_Getting Started.pdf

Getting Started Guide

Adobe Portable Document Format - 900.42 kB - 01/16/2017 at 00:50



Pinout Diagram

Adobe Portable Document Format - 107.88 kB - 01/15/2017 at 23:52


  • 1 × arduino
  • 1 × thingsoc
  • 1 × grove
  • 1 × mikrobus
  • 1 × teensy

  • 1
    Step 1

    It's pretty simple, plug it in...

  • 2
    Step 2
  • 3
    Step 3

    The default address for the I2C hub is 0x74 with A2 shorted, and A1 and A0 Open.

    0 = Shorted, 1 = Open (ie. inverted...)

    A2 A1 A0 - I2C Address

    1 1 1 - 0x70

    1 1 0 - 0x71

    1 0 1 - 0x72

    1 0 0 - 0x73

    0 1 1 - 0x74 (Default I2C Address as shipped)

    0 1 0 - 0x75

    0 0 1 - 0x76

    0 0 0 - 0x77

View all 3 instructions

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