
Update for High Res

A project log for ZX81 16K RAM Pack

Using a Raspberry Pico micro controller, this project creates a 16K RAM Pack for the ZX81

david-robinsonDavid Robinson 11/06/2023 at 16:230 Comments

In response to a comment I am suggesting a modification to include the RFSH signal for reads that will allow high res games to be played. I think the following is what's needed:

/WR     o| 7400 |o      5V
/WR     o|      |o      /RD
|--     o|      |o      /RFSH
|--     o|      |o      --|
A14     o|      |o      --|
/RAM_WR o|      |o      A14
GND     o|      |o      /RAM_RD

 Replacing one of the /RD inputs with /RFSH signal should allow reads for either /RD or /RFSH which is needed by some high resolution implementations.
