
Extracting piperine from black pepper

A project log for TAST-E, the robot with a sense of taste and smell

An animatronic robot head with an artificial tongue and nose

m-bindhammerM. Bindhammer 11/27/2023 at 19:420 Comments

Piperine is a piperidine alkaloid from the group of acid amide alkaloids. It is the amide of piperic acid and piperidine and forms a colorless to yellowish solid with a monoclinic crystal structure. It is the source of the pungent pepper flavor. In order to develop a reliable colorimetric test for piperine, I need the substance to be relatively pure. Out of interest, I have decided to isolate the piperine from the black pepper myself using various methods. The yield is not particularly high but sufficient for my experiments. Please check out the video for more information.
