
BJR_LOG_06 First assembly

A project log for BJR_01

The famous ball balancing platform reimagined

tamas-feherTamas Feher 11/21/2023 at 18:010 Comments

The biggest risk on the mechanical side of the project is backlash and flex in the assembly.

Backlash is difficult to account for in control systems so it's better to tackle it at the source.

To make the build I SLA resin printed all non standard parts, here you can see the results:

There were no major issues with assembly, however there were some issues with backlash and flex. On the video you can see me stressing the assembly to see where the weak points are.

I found the following issues:

Other observations:

These issues will be tackled in the next version (BJR_02) but it's not severe enough to stop in my tracks to continue.
