Walter is available and in stock
The team at Mouser has been working hard to ship out all Walter modules, Walter Feels boards, and Walter development kits. This means the Walter module is now officially in-stock and available for you to order via Crowd Supply and other distributors. I hope to add Walter to more local distributors/web shops soon to make sure you don't need to pay to much shipping costs.
The team behind Walter can’t wait to hear what you think of our work and we are keen to learn about the projects you are going to build. Let us know by submitting a Crowd Supply Field Report. If your field report is selected, you’ll get a $50 Crowd Supply credit and your field report will be published as an official project update, emailed to backers of that project, included in our newsletter, and featured in our social media. In addition, some projects may offer their own prizes and incentives.
Documentation Portal Overhauled
📄Documentation, documentation and documentation, it is so important in the world of hardware and software development. In the last few weeks we have been working hard at improving the available documentation on Walter and we will keep doing this in the future. The result is now live on

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