
Adding a RetroCART slot

A project log for VCF-80 Model 100

My 'modern' take on the Tandy TRS-80 Model 100.

evan-scheelEvan Scheel 11/18/2023 at 07:001 Comment

As soon as I saw this project by Tom Nardi I knew I should add it to my design. I started by trying to integrate his design into my shell but didn't like how much space it took up. So I went about designing a more compact version that I could easily install in my final build.
The next step is fitting the LCD screen while I wait for my custom keyboard plate to get cut and delivered!


dixeyo Geberse wrote 11/26/2023 at 10:42 point

Adding a RetroCART slot would be an awesome addition to any retro gaming enthusiast's setup. It would allow users to easily play their favorite retro games on a modern console without having to deal with messy emulation or compatibility macan 99 slot issues. Plus, it would just look cool!

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