Because of the box design, the side guides can't be a straight but have a step. The guide i design is to be cut on CNC router from 3/4" plywood or MDF , but can be 3D printed as well.
Since the middle wall is 1/2" the guides should be either attached with very short screws either should be glued /nailed on place. Instead i decide instead one to have two holes 9 mm apart for each attachment point, that allows to use left on the one side and rights on the other with a 1" long screws. For the middle part a 1 1/4 " screws also can be used since the guide have bot holes anyway.
For the side guides if 1 1/4" screw is used then the tip should be grinded, that's what i did.
Assembling is simple, the only tricky part is to properly center the middle wall, i simply put marks on the bottom and back and use them as a guides. Here is my assembly sequence :
1 - add a chamfer to the side guides holes that will be used
2 - screw #6x 1 1/4" to the side guides, the screw tip protrude around 2 mm on the back side of the guide
3 - using screw tips center the guides to the wall, then pushing on the guide turn screw counterclockwise around 1 turn so it allow the guide to sit all the way top the wall and then screw it all the way down.
4 - mounting side walls to the bottom, #6x 1 1/2" wood screws
5 - mounting back to the bottom/side wall assembly, 23 gauge micro pins
6- mounting middle wall, #6x 1 1/2" wood screws
7 - mounting the top, #6x 1 1/2" wood screws
8 - stain and clear coat - optional
9 - install the casters, #6x 3/4" wood screws - optional
I cut my back slightly larger and after i assemble the rack i trim it with a flush trim router bit. In addition to the fasteners i glued the walls, the top, th ebottom, and the back.
They have also a larger model that I think will fit the same side guides, but it come with 19 bins if I am not mistaken where part of them are double and triple size. Maybe convince for large fasteners but very inconvenient for small like those I keep in my lab. Now I am thinking, maybe I can buy 10 large for my workshop take their small bins and use them for my 2x10 storage, and use the double bins that come with the small box for the larger, that way I can have all 20 small boxes with small bins, and all large boxes with large bins ... the only bad thing I both all small from the stores near me, now the only option is to order online.