
Some tests

A project log for Modern tools for Windows 3.11 software development

An IDE package with integrated Win 3.11/95 emulation (automatically installed from your diskettes), compilers, cross-platform GUI libraries

wojciech-adalbert-jWojciech "adalbert" J 11/19/2023 at 19:460 Comments

This is one of the included sample projects: a simple TCP client/server, working on a real Win 3.11 machine and a Windows 11 laptop:

Here we have a test of a cross-platform application (not quite complete yet). I was able to build a macOS variant using the same code as for Windows 3.11, however that does require manual compilation of wxWidgets and the application files on a Mac. It's not as easy and automated as building for Windows, but it is still possible.

It's even possible to create a video player for Windows 3.11 (another included sample project):

It's worth noting that we have mouse and network integration between host and emulated machine, which really simplifies the process of testing Windows 3.11 applications:

Here is a test of Windows 95 build target, we have automatic execution, mouse and network integration in the same manner as in Windows 3.11:

There is also working code completion, so this is a huge upgrade compared to some ancient, native programming tools:


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