
Next #TindieChat on May 2 : Crowd Funding

A project log for Tindie Dog Park

A place for Tindie sellers and the community to meet and stretch their legs

tindieTindie 04/26/2017 at 20:241 Comment

Tuesday May 2nd @ 1pm PT. Join this project to take part.

Some sellers test their ideas on Tindie and build up to doing a crowd funding campaign, or complete a campaign and then come over to Tindie to sell excess inventory or second runs. Either way, there's a lot of great options for bringing your project to market.

We've got @Zach Dunham joining us for May's TindieChat. He's the Design & Technology Outreach Lead at Kickstarter and has a background in hardware and audio arts. He'd love to hear your experiences and can answer any questions that you might have about launching a campaign.

Also, @Jasmine Brackett from Tindie will be the host and can also provide advice for anyone wondering what to do after their campaigns and selling on TIndie.

Maybe you've had an incredibly successful campaign and have advice for others? We'd love to hear your tips in this TIndieChat!

You can post questions in advance on this doc. They can be for Zach, the Tindie Team, or the community in general.


Jon Buford wrote 04/27/2017 at 07:03 point

Ooh, 4AM in HK timezone. I might need to just ask questions in advance. :)

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