
21 Band Audio Spectrum Analyzer SMD

Small form Factor board layout using Surface Mount components and a SuperMini Zero from WaveShare, ESP32 controller S3 (18 pins) dev board.

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This is board re-resign of the existing thru-hole design, with a new surface mount version using a smaller ESP32-S3 controller while adding an optional MIC input circuit. Obviously, it is a work in progress, and I'm currently trying to get the Sketch code to compile with the new S3 and the later Library releases for FastLED and Si5351. I will update the page once the Libraries are stable and working so I can order some boards. Currently using breadboard protos to get the final IO pin assignment.


The goal is to get JLCPCB assembly and reduce the hand soldering needed to get the board completed.

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 286.11 kB - 01/15/2024 at 23:33


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