Hi all! Phase three is now complete. I was able to take the breadboarded prototype hardware and create some custom PCBs that all my breakout boards mount to. I also created a custom breakout board for the on/off controller IC from part two. This IC allows me to use a single button as a power switch and input button for controlling speed.
With the help of Jordan Godoy, we were able to finish the 3D printed housing and I have to say, it looks pretty awesome!
Right now, I have IMU data streaming from the paddle controller to the host Raspberry Pi. The Pi then logs all this data and I can create paddle animations to show how paddle tracking works. Next, I need to get the Pi commanding my motor controller. Then I'll hit the water!!
Huge thanks to PCBWay for sponsoring the prints and PCBs for this phase of the project!
Check out my YouTube series!
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