
3D printed greenhouse tiles.

Overlapping, quick connect tiles that can accommodation a variety of geometries.

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3D printed, resin mold poured, etc. greenhouse 'glass' tiles.
Overlapping for water redirection/collection.
Material. Ideally blocks UV while trapping IR while allowing the natural spectrum to passthrough. Something that can withstand the elements.
Something sized to fit on a standard 3D printer.

Rough draft designs coming 3 months ish.


JPEG Image - 2.73 MB - 12/30/2023 at 13:49


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Kris Keillor wrote 08/14/2024 at 02:43 point

I see you were planning to upload rough designs in the springtime. Hit the follow because I am really curious to see this. Your cover photo bodes well for the design quality. 

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