
ESP patch

This bandage utilizes a flexible PCB, shaped in a form of a bandage for easy use. It is equipped with ESP-C3 for BT and a temp sensor.

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This is a PoC project of a digital bandage that have the capabilities of monitoring patient temperature. The onboard EPS32-C3 can connect to a mesh network or a gateway and periodically report the user temperature. The type of setup can be powered by 301220 or 581013 lipo battery. Since the data is "pushed" and not pull a deep sleep can be utilized prolonging the battery's life. Also there is a button on the patch itself if the user cannot wait and want to take his/her temperature immediately. The board is 2 layered flex PCB with rf4 stiffener and it is secured to a user with double adhesive much like a traditional bandage. The board has a flex cable connector to be able to charge the battery if need and or do the initial software upload.

This project is based on makermoekoe's Picoclick-C3.
  • 1 × ESP32-C3FN4
  • 1 × TMP117MAIDRVR
  • 1 × MIC5504-3.3YM5-T5
  • 1 × MCP73831T-2DCI/MC Power Management ICs / Power Supply Support

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