
Second step of the game : Fail of the riddle

A project log for Escalibur

Four adventurers craft a knightly game where you challenge destiny to become the chosen one by extracting Excalibur from its stone.

monteilagathemonteilagathe 01/12/2024 at 15:060 Comments

Speaker :

Initially, the idea was that a voice would activate when someone placed their hand on the sword, presenting a riddle to guide the knight.

 The riddle : "To be the best knight, Excalibur has to be removed. But it will not be an easy task because you will have to prove that you're qualified for it. We will train you on the three major points to become a knight. At first, you will have to show us that you can always find your way, even if you're totally lost. Then you will have to show us how determined you are to become one; for this, you must make the mountain resonate. At least, a knight has to be generous towards the person he protects."

 In the end, the speaker was never integrated, because unfortunately it never arrived.

We couldn't use it due to the absence of surrounding components such as the speaker's motherboard.


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