This project is conceived to deliver the following product differentiation and advantages:
1) Modular and multi-channel (8) modules which can concatenate for scale-ability.
2) Optimized data bandwidth use and reduce energy and RF emissions.
3) Cost effective, weatherproof, and simple to install requiring no special skills.
4) Standalone capability for small 8 channel sequencers for smaller signage (SONY, NISSAN, WENDY's) or common merchandising / product displays
5) WiFi based master sequencer to control up to 30 individually addressable modules
6) Employs cheap OTC ($12) wifi routers for scaling or range enhancement (several hundred feet)
7) Modules can be 'cloned' 3 times to create up to 4 identical sequencers sync'd by WiFi alone. Thus 30 x 4 x 8 = 960 LED channels capable of delivering 60W of lighting power each!
8) Sequences are downloaded via a USB cable to the controller which relays the sequence to all multi channel modules via WiFi.
Cloned LED sequencing modules...same data reused, cutting bandwidth & RF transmission in half.
Well, there's always a better way when there's emerging technology becoming mainstream. The Internet of Things modules are cheap and widely available and allow us to do more with less than ever before when it comes to WiFi and sensors and connectivity.
This project is a bit of a hybrid, it leverages ESP12 IoT modules but also uses 8 bit Microchip front end processing to manage the ESP12 in a very precise manner using assembler language in order to optimize the energy consumption of the ESP12 by literally cutting all power to it when it is not required.
We have integrated photocell capability off the analog to digital converter and timer capability as well, plus battery backup for a real time clock to 20ppm accuracy.
12VDC is the standard voltage used so this is compatible & deployable in any country.
We are working on a App for doing synchronized sequences in a graphical interface and durability testing etc.
For portability the system outstrips others with just a 2.75" square form factor for 8 independent Channels, each capable of 60W of lighting or 100 piece LED strings! It's so small it can fit INSIDE a sign - simplifying in shop more signal wiring required at your home or a client.
The concept development brought together Electronic Design, Assembly language programming, C language programming, internet TCP/IP, DHCP etc as well as fabrication of prototypes, dual processor interfacing, design of laser cut housings and some weather seal spray painted enamel.