
v2 Planned Features and Use-cases!

A project log for USB Sleuth Cable Tester

The device tests for continuity and internal resistors within various USB Cables and exposes some pins for multimeter testing.

spencer-maroukisSpencer Maroukis 05/31/2024 at 00:260 Comments

I'm going to log improvements for a v2 here since the main description was getting overwhelmed.

I realized this project can actually serve as a good breakout board for USB, which is especially useful for doing power-profiling on usb-powered devices.

## USB Pin Breakouts

Feature: Expose VBUS, GND, D+, D- on both A and B sides as holes for ~0.6mm pin headers with isolation switches from the MCU and battery. 

For example, using the Nordic Power Profiler Kit II, we can use the PPK2 as a power source if we connect the VOUT/GND to the A_VBUS/A_GND pins. Then we can log the power consumption.

This avoids the need of a separate breakout cable or powering through a non-USB port, such as in the Arduino Mega case below:
