Recently I have been mainly involved in firmware development.
I've introduced few smart tricks:
- CPU is set to 240 MHz only when decoding audio stream and then goes back to 80 MHz when no more data is in the buffer.
- New LED driving mode - using pullup/pulldown to significantly decrease the amount of emitted light.
- Automatic baud rate detection, which means the device is able to talk at 57600 and 115200 and will doscover the speed automatically.
I have also improved some things in the framework.
The other thing I managed to achieve is OTA Zigbee Gateway Firmware update, which turned out to be simple to integrate into the Elelabs Flasher (added raw mode for flash and serial over LAN).
Now the firmware update is really simple:
- The user starts the device portal.
- After logging in, zb-bootloader command is issues by the user on the terminal tab.
- The user starts python script to flash the .gbl file via xmodem protocol (uart over network)
- The module is restarted using zb-reboot terminal command.
I have also managed to properly setup MFG tokens, so the device is properly displayed on HA subpage.
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