Currently finishing out the design phase of the robot, along with acquiring/building all of the parts.
- Tested PICO board controlling a motor and a servo
- Printed main chassis and it failed
- Redesigned main chassis
- Added LoRa COM module and found batteries that would fit
- Sent a wheel off to get printed in MJF Nylon PA12 (MJF)
- Have most parts, waiting on servos and a few others
Need to do:
- Print main chassis and cover
- Print wheel arms
- Test wheel when back make changes if needed
- Order more wheels, need 4 :)
- Wire up camera
- Program some "get it working code"
- Add arms and micro gear motors
- Test servos with arms
- Add wheels and do a bunch of tests.
- Buy simulated moon regolith?
- Redesign and make robust for education version

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