

A project log for Digital Audio Mixer w/ Filters & Multiple USB I/O

Using FPGAs and MCUs to build my dream audio setup

qorbaqQorbaQ 02/10/2024 at 07:000 Comments

What is it ?

The Output module will probably be one of the first module completed. Here it is :

That's right, we don't have any hard processing to do, maybe a bit of filtering here and there, a few potentiometers for volume control but overall it should be manageable. The DAC will be bought according to its availability and specs.

The Line Level will be used to connect to other beefy Amps, whereas the Headphone level will straight up be usable.

Why do it first ?

There is a very easy way to test the preamplifiers and the bridge : making a dedicated audio DAC, such as the ones you can buy. We just need to connect our USB bridge to the DAC.

Voila ! a DAC.

Once this device work, we will know our I2S bridge and Preamp works, which mean we can start working on the Input and Mixer modules !

From now on, this is on what i will be working and report.
