
3.2½ - DAC - Late Night Single Ended Thoughts

A project log for Digital Audio Mixer w/ Filters & Multiple USB I/O

Using FPGAs and MCUs to build my dream audio setup

qorbaqQorbaQ 04/02/2024 at 08:260 Comments

Hello everyone !

Last update was about the single ended filters, which i thought we were done with but somehow something really important dawned on me, let me explain :

Here's the kicker, single ended outputs are usually reserved for signal transfer, not for for driving

In fact to my knowledge there is only one kind of driven single ended output : headphone out.
The rule for signal transfer is low output impedance, high input impedance. We only need a few mA at most, and we want to be load independant....

why not use an OpAmp ? an OPA1611 should deliver way enough power without coming close to bottlenecking on noise or THD...

Literally just placing it after the single ended filter should do the trick, no clue how that flew above my head but yeah.

A few design choices remain to be made : 

Futher testing is required !
