
OV5647 support, or lack thereof

A project log for Kevin - Robot Companion For Makers

A hexapod robot companion, that gets tools for you and reminds you to put them back. Also cute.

christian-koschmiederChristian Koschmieder 03/15/2024 at 17:590 Comments

I found out that the OV5647 cameras I bought are not supported using the Jetson Nano. Or any Jetson for that matter.

Although those cameras should be supported by the Raspberry Pi and it's Raspberry Pi OS, they are not supported out of the box on the Jetson Nano.

Now, there are drivers available to use them, but the developer of the driver charges around $ 10,000.- for it. So, no, that's not an option.

So I just ordered a camera module with a supported chipset, Sony's IMX219, for about 12.- €. It should be arriving tomorrow and I'll see if this will work.

For now, it's off to the kitchen!
